R5F64206KFB 芯片介绍:
Watchdog Timer Reset
Where the PM12 bit in the PM1 register is “1” (reset when watchdog timer underflows), the microcomputer initializes its pins, CPU and SFR if the watchdog timer underflows. Then the program is executed
starting from the address indicated by the reset vector.
At watchdog timer reset, some SFR’s are not initialized. Refer to “SFR”. Also, since the PM01 to PM00 bits in the PM0 register are not initialized, the processor mode remains unchanged.
Oscillation Stop Detection Reset
Where the CM27 bit in the CM2 register is “0” (reset at oscillation stop detection), the microcomputer initializes its pins, CPU and SFR, coming to a halt if it detects main clock oscillation circuit stop. Refer to the section “oscillation stop, re-oscillation detection function”.
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