• IC解密ATtiny88芯片解密
  • IC解密ATtiny88芯片解密

      ATtiny88属于ATtinyXX系列系列中的一种,对致芯科技来说解密难度比较小,但是国内真正能自主正确解密出 ATtiny88芯片解密机构还是不很多。
      如有需ATtiny88芯片解密需求者请直接与我们联系,咨询电话:010-57436215;手机:15313166208联系qq:769132288 ,公司地址: 北京市海淀区上地信息路2号国际创业园1号楼16C 。
      ·All outputs compliant with Intel
      ·Two 48-MHz clocks
      ·All outputs compliant with Intel
      ·External resistor for current reference
      ·48-pin SSOP and TSSOP packages
      operations to simplify system BIOS development
      ·Low jitter and tightly controlled clock skew
      ·Two copies of CPU clock
      ·Two 48-MHz clocks
      ·Selection logic for differential swing control, test mode,
      Hi-Z, power-down and spread spectrum
      ·Selection logic for differential swing control, test mode,
      Hi-Z, power-down and spread spectrum
      ·48-pin SSOP and TSSOP packages
      operations to simplify system BIOS development
      ·Low jitter and tightly controlled clock skew
      ·Two copies of CPU clock
      ·Two 48-MHz clocks
      ·External resistor for current reference
      ·Two 48-MHz clocks
      ·All outputs compliant with Intel
      ·External resistor for current reference
      ·Selection logic for differential swing control, test mode,
      Hi-Z, power-down and spread spectrum
      ·48-pin SSOP and TSSOP packages

    更多型号芯片解密可致电北京致芯科技24小时服务热线:13466687255 010-57436217

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